
Beachy Waves!

Hey girls! So today i'll be showing you beachy waves:o So Paula used the 'Bumble and Bumble Surf Spray'

So basically you wash your hair and once it's damp you can spray it all over your hair, and it will give you a beachy surfy wavy effect!



I hope you guys try this out and I'll see yous later, let me know the results in the comments!
Photography:Paula :))



This is my bestfriend and myself:) i could trust her with my life, ahh love her don't mind this photo I look so searious, just wanted to tell you, that this is lisa:) check out our bestfriend TAG! on my channel - beautybyjulia07


Well me and Paula decided to make a website! woop, she would design it and do the photography and i would post on it and do my beauty channel :/ Well if my youtube gets bigger and this blog the maybe the idea will be possible, it's up to YOU, subscribe I'd love you forever <3 SO how's your day going anyway?:) i love yousss, i just came back in and now I FINALLY found my camera so tomorrow i might take some landcape photos outside, and maybe post them, BTW thiss photo was taken by paula:)


Game Over!

Same day? ew i know, just wanted show you my channel art for my youtube, I'm in love with it:o it was made by a good friend iLividToffee, and my friend Julia Welc, she's amazing at art oh god, she drew it and all:) it's perfect!!! and i own that 'GAME OVER' shirt, just saying;') subscribe for a giveaway, click here!

UPDATE: Sorry I've been gone.. a while:o

So i mean i started school again, i forgot to post, ugh, and then there was exams so shittt, but i did well if you ask:') and now i'm back here, i got my photographer Paula, she does my photos from this blog from now on, and i have a youtube channel which reached 100 subscribers on 12.1.14, which I'm so proud of myself, hoping for a thousand in august maybe:') and I'd do a huge giveaway :o so subscribe maaa babiesss:D Yous should comment down below what should I post heree, mostly make-up probably, cause it's my life, and a update once in a while, love ya all, subscribe!

Youtube channel here, click!